Greenhouse, Apocalypse
Garden Art Walk exhibition, curated by John Santomieri, Hotel Henry, Buffalo, NY
Greenhouse, Apocalypse is a choreographic lecture-performance made in collaboration with choreographer Allison Peacock, based on her Rock Dance research (inspired by a special boulder that sits outside her studio window). It was created for the Garden Art Walk exhibition, curated by John Santomieri at Hotel Henry, 2019.
Over the course of one week, we met via zoom to chat about Allison’s research and her experience of personal growth. I recorded and edited these conversations into the video layer of Greenhouse, Apocalypse, and then staged myself and two other dancers— Jonas Maria Droste and Lydia Kegler, inside the white, translucent cubic tent, performing Allison’s Rock Choreography. Two videos played on two different screens in front of the tent: on the left Allison was zoomed into the performance live, performing the choreographies with us from her apartment in Montreal, and on the right was the video I made combining found footage sourced from the internet and videos taken on my phone with excerpts from our development zoom meetings.